Welcome to Children's Services!

Early Supports and Services (ESS)
We partner with families to meet the developmental needs of the child for children birth to age 3. For those children found eligible, we offer services that include parent coaching, physical, occupational, speech and developmental therapies.
Please call us at (603) 459-2775 or email us at essintake@gatewayscs.org for more information. If you wish to begin the process to determine if your child is eligible for ESS, we will arrange for an initial visit by one of the ESS Intake Coordinators to explain the program, gather relevant information for the ESS team, and assist you with signing the necessary releases and consents. The ESS team will then contact you to schedule a developmental evaluation which will provide you a wealth of information regarding your child’s development as well as determine eligibility for further ESS services.

Health Care Coordination
We support individuals and families from birth to 21 years who experience chronic illnesses. Our coordinators help guide, educate, and connect families to resources and financial assistance such as campership, respite, and health care needs.
The Health Care Coordination Advisory Council is made up of parents of children with chronic health care needs who volunteer their time. The Council works collaboratively with Family Support Coordinators to shape the program by identifying community needs and developing innovative solutions. In turn, a stronger environment for children with chronic health care issues is established and nurtured.
Call (603) 882-6333 to arrange for an initial family home visit by a Health Care Coordinator who will explain the program, as well as collect the necessary information needed for eligibility.

Family Support
We work with individuals age 3-21 that experience a developmental disability and live with a family member. We offer support at education meetings, guide you to community resources, and help with the transition into adult life. We also help those children with intensive needs to remain in their home.
Family Support Council
Our Family Support Advisory Council is made up of families and provides an opportunity for families to make their concerns and priorities for services known. It is open to all eligible Family Support families and individuals. The Council oversees discretionary funding available for services and resources to help promote and increase independence, participate in the community, increase skills, and/or training to caregivers. The Council meets September through June on the 3rd Monday of the month from 6-8PM.
For more information, please contact Family Support Council at familysupportcouncil@gatewayscs.org